• 5 October, 2023
  • Phu Yen is a land where there is rich in history and culture, rich in nature and wonderful nature. Not only that, this is also a place with many untapped potentials. So, The province is also the investment choice of many people, especially investing in real estate. Next, let’s join Sen Vang Group to find out general information about Phu Yen province before choosing to invest in real estate in this area.

    1. Geographical location

    Phu Yen is a province located on the South Central Coast, east of the Truong Son range, located between two large mountain passes of the country, Cu Mong Pass in the North and Ca Pass in the South. Phu Yen’s transportation system is quite convenient, with National Highway 1 and Thong Nhat railway passing through; National Highway 25 connects with the majestic Central Highlands, National Highway 29 connects Vung Ro international seaport with Dak – Rue border gate (Dak Lak).

    Hon Yen landmark in Phu Yen (Source: Vietnambooking)

    The natural area of ​​the entire province is 5,060 km2, of which hills and mountains account for 70% of the area, the terrain slopes from West to East and is strongly divided, the North borders Binh Dinh province, the South borders Khanh Hoa province, the West borders borders Gia Lai and Dak Lak provinces, to the East borders the East Sea. Phu Yen has a relatively favorable geographical location and transportation for socio-economic development.

    Phu Yen has a diverse topography, most of the area is high and medium mountains with a decreasing direction from West to East, the rest is hilly areas and low coastal areas. With such terrain, River in Phu Yen are relatively evenly distributed throughout the province and have a common feature: the rivers originate in the East of the Truong Son range, flow through the mountains – midlands – plains and flow into the sea.

    Phu Yen is located in a hot, humid, tropical monsoon climate zone, influenced by the ocean climate and divided into two distinct seasons. Suitable for growing many types of food crops and crops such as: rice, corn, beans, vegetables, melons, gourds, squash, potatoes, cassava, sugarcane…

    Most especially, this place is blessed by nature with a 189km long coastline, with many bays, beaches, pools, lagoons, and reefs with wild beauty, creating rich and diverse ecological landscapes. form is a huge potential for marine tourism, resort tourism and eco-tourism.

    2. Population

    Statistical table of area, population, population density, natural population growth rate, rate of trained workers over 15 years old, immigration rate, emigration rate of some provinces (Source: Statistical Yearbook 2020)

    Currently, Phu Yen province has 9 district-level administrative units including: Tuy Hoa City, Song Cau Town, Dong Hoa Town and districts: Dong Xuan, Song Hinh, Son Hoa, Phu Hoa, Tay Hoa, Tuy An. With 110 commune-level administrative units, including 21 wards, 6 towns and 83 communes.

    Phu Yen’s population is 874.3 thousand people, of which 28.7% are urban, 71.3% are rural, and the labor force accounts for 71.5% of the population. Phu Yen has nearly 30 ethnic groups living together. 

    Statistical table of area, population, population density of administrative units of Phu Yen province (Source: Compiled by Sen Vang)

    Phu Yen’s population is unevenly distributed, concentrated mainly in the coastal plain areas and most densely concentrated in Tuy Hoa City because this area has more favorable living and production and business conditions than other areas. other region.

    Phu Yen’s urban population rate only reached 32.70%, ranking 6th in the South Central Coast region. Thus, the proportion of urban population in Phu Yen province is still low.

    3. Economy

    Economic structure chart of Phu Yen province in 2021 and economic indicators of Phu Yen province in 2025 (Source: compiled by Sen Vang)

    According to a report of the People’s Committee of Phu Yen province, In 2021, the service industry accounts for the largest proportion with 42.14% in the economic structure of Phu Yen province. Ranked second is agriculture, forestry and fisheries with 26.7% and last is industry – construction with 26.17%. By 2025, the province aims to maintain tourism development, boost the proportion of industry to 31.43% and reduce the proportion of agriculture, forestry and fisheries to 20.09%.

    Basically, the shift in the province’s economic structure, although not much, is still reasonable in a positive direction, consistent with the general trend of the whole country and promoting comparative advantages in geographical location and potential of the province.

    Graph of GRDP structure per capita in the South Central Coast provinces (Source: Compiled by Sen Vang)

    According to the chart above, we see that the average income per capita of Phu Yen province is still low, reaching 46.77 million VND/year, ranking 7/8 in the South Central Coast provinces.

    However, The province’s GRDP growth rate in 2021 reached 0.33%, maintaining a positive growth rate. At the same time, the province also strives in 2022.GRDP reached a growth rate of 7%.

    Cumulative FDI statistical chart as of December 2020 in the South Central Coast provinces (Source: Compiled by Sen Vang)

    Cumulative FDI investment attraction until 2020 of Phu Yen province has 53 projects with 2,035.96 million USD, ranking 5/8 in terms of total FDI investment capital in the South Central Coast region.

    In addition, the total state budget revenue of Phu Yen province in 2020 reached 10,121 billion VND. Of which, domestic revenue reached 4,946 billion VND with revenue from the non-state economic sector reaching 1,009 billion VND and land use fee collection reaching 5,247 billion VND.

    PCI ranking chart of Phu Yen province for the period 2012-2021 (Source: compiled by Sen Vang)

    In the period from 2012 to 2021, Phu Yen province’s PCI index tends to improve, increasing 17 places nationwide. In 2021, Phu Yen province has the PCI index ranked 9/10 Central Coast provinces.

    Thus, Phu Yen’s economy has grown year by year, promising to be a bright spot with great potential.

    4. Culture – Society

    4.1 Health

    Currently, the whole province has 113 medical facilities including: 9 provincial hospitals, 10 district hospitals, and 112 medical stations. Basically, the province has relatively enough medical facilities in both quantity and quality to meet the health care needs of the people.

    Phu Yen Provincial General Hospital (Source: Compiled by Sen Vang)

    The province also set a goal for the period 2021-2030: Continue to implement investment projects, expand public medical facilities and other projects as planned. Continue to implement investment projects for grassroots healthcare and other priority projects of the sector from EU, ADB, ODA capital, foreign preferential loans and other legal capital sources. Strongly deploy socialization in investment and upgrading of medical facilities in the province to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment. To best serve the medical examination and treatment needs of the people.

    4.2 Education

    It can be seen that the education system of Phu Yen province is relatively complete, with enough educational facilities to serve the learning needs of the people. Contribute to eliminating illiteracy and developing people’s knowledge in the province.

    Phu Yen Grassroots Banking Academy (Source: Compiled by Sen Vang)

    At the same time, Phu Yen province also strives that by 2025, the province will have over 60% of secondary schools meeting national standards, and over 40% of high schools meeting national standards.

    4.3 Craft villages

    Handcrafted wickerwork in Vinh Ba (Source: compiled by Sen Vang)

    Phu Yen province has 18 handicraft villages (attracting nearly 2,700 households and more than 6,700 participants), of which 7 craft villages are recognized by the Provincial People’s Committee according to prescribed criteria, including: Dong Binh rice paper, broom bundles. My Thanh, Vinh Ba weaving, My Thanh mulberry growing, silkworm farming, fish sauce processing and anchovy drying, mo weaving and Ganh Do fish sauce craft village.

    4.4 Culture

    Buffalo killing festival in Phu Yen (Source: compiled by Sen Vang)

    Phu Yen is home to many ethnic minorities, mainly living in the western mountainous districts. These include: Cham, Ede, Ba-na, Hre, Hoa, Mnong, Raglai, Tay, Nung, Dao, San-Diu,… This diversity has contributed to creating a rich national culture. the best in Phu Yen. Currently, there are 77 ranked relics in the province (including 1 special national relic, 21 national relics and 55 provincial relics). From 2014 to present, each year an average of 5 relics have been ranked.

    Phu Yen is also famous for major annual festivals such as: Dong Cam dam incense offering ceremony (January 8 of the lunar calendar), Da Rang river boat racing festival (January 7 of the lunar calendar), O Loan lagoon festival (January 6 – 7 of the lunar calendar), Tam Giang River Festival (January 5 – 6 of the lunar calendar), Lunar New Year’s Eve celebration,… Contributing to creating a rich, unique identity of Phu Yen.

    4.5 Travel

    Da Dia Reef in Phu Yen (Source: compiled by Sen Vang)

    It can be seen that the tourism situation in Phu Yen province has tended to decrease due to the impact of epidemics in recent years.

    Phu Yen Provincial Party Committee set a specific goal for the period 2021-2025 to maintain an average tourist growth rate of over 14%/year. Of which, international visitors increase by about 15-20%/year; Tourism revenue grows on average over 14%/year; Average annual chamber utilization is about 61%; The number of direct workers in the tourism sector grows by an average of 4%/year.

    Strive by 2030, Phu Yen tourism will become a key economic sector: The contribution of tourism activities to the province’s GRDP is 10% or more, tourism revenue is about 12,600 billion VND.

    Above is general information about “GENERAL INFORMATION OF PHU YEN PROVINCE” Provided by Sen Vang Group. Hopefully the above information will help developers, investors and real estate businesses have an overview of investment efficiency and the policy of linking black areas back to the. In addition, to see more articles about the Mekong Delta region, readers can visit the website



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    Compiled source: Sen Vang Group – Editor Pham Dac Trieu

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    Thẻ : market research agency, project development, real estate, general information, invest, regional planning, phu yen province, phu yen real estate, senvanggroup, senvangdata,
