Economic development in the Mekong Delta: Attracting investment through regional linkages

  • 3 October, 2023
  • Mekong Delta region (Mekong Delta) is always at the heart of Vietnam’s economic development. With geographical potential and diverse natural resources, this region has witnessed strong developments over the years. However, to achieve sustainable and comprehensive development, attracting investment plays an important role. In that context, regional integration becomes the right direction, helping to stimulate economic development beyond the limits of each locality.

    In the following article, Sen Vang group will share with readers related information Attracting investment through regional linkages in the Mekong Delta.

    Learn generally about regional links and the need for regional links 

    Regional integration is a concept that is being focused on and is considered a decisive factor in the economic development process of the Mekong Delta. By creating a strong connection system between localities in the region, regional linkages facilitate the sharing of information, resources and experiences, thereby promoting common development.

    Regional connectivity is a very important issue, which has been led by the Party in Documents of the VIII, X, XI Congresses and most recently the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021-2030.

    Regional links are links between members in the region and between members in the region and other members outside the region. That is, assign tasks and coordinate with each other to exploit the professional strengths, potentials and advantages of members; creating new production organization models and new forces that bring increasing socio-economic efficiency to each locality, each member, each independent and individual production enterprise.

    In the context of increasingly deep international integration, regional integration aims to meet the requirements of sustainable development and improve the competitiveness of the economy. This is a policy that not only helps enhance competitive advantages but also creates conditions to promote the potentials and advantages of each locality and the entire region in economic development, ensuring national defense and security, and enhancing people’s life.

    Connecting regions for sustainable development of the Mekong Delta

    Challenges the Mekong Delta is facing

    The biggest challenge that the Mekong Delta is facing is: Regional connectivity but lack of infrastructure. Holding an important position in terms of security, economics and society, the “nine dragons” land is not commensurate with that advantage, facing many disadvantages due to “bottlenecks” in technical infrastructure.

    Many highway projects in the Mekong Delta are unfinished

    Speaking at the forum “Prospects for investment in infrastructure construction – the driving force for economic development in the Mekong Delta”, Mr. Ta Quang Vinh, Director of the Department of Technical Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Construction, said:In recent times, the urban technical infrastructure system in the Mekong Delta, although it has achieved certain results, is still weak and lacking in connectivity…

    Projects in the Mekong Delta have not been invested synchronously, leading to regional connectivity that has not really met the proposed requirements and expectations. As a result, the slow implementation of technical infrastructure projects lacks water supply, wastewater treatment, garbage, and drainage, affecting the ability to meet development needs and causing limitations in resource management. and environment.

    Currently, the investment capital used by the Mekong Delta region has not brought results as initially expected and does not meet development needs. In addition, the quality of technical infrastructure planning is also limited, not ensuring the ability to respond to climate change and sea level rise.

    Urban transport infrastructure in the Mekong Delta is still developing slowly compared to other urban areas across the country. Only about 16-26% of traffic infrastructure meets required standards. The waterway transportation system has not been utilized and properly connected to urban road traffic, despite the potential of rivers and waterway canals in the area. The transportation network connecting with other regions across the country is still weak, especially the national highway and expressway systems. Although the Government has recently implemented many investment projects to build highways to connect the region with Ho Chi Minh City, there are still many delayed sections and many narrow and poor quality roads. . This situation has increased logistics costs and reduced competition of goods in the Mekong Delta region.

    The river terrain makes it difficult to develop technical infrastructure in the Mekong Delta

    Monday, The Mekong Delta is facing the risk of damage due to tstatus global climate change, affecting all aspects of people’s lives and production such as increased temperature, unseasonal rain, flooding…

    The third challenge isThe Fourth Industrial Revolution, with the strong development of technology and automation. Information technology and artificial intelligence are changing the way production and business are done globally. To become a developed economic region, the Mekong Delta must face competition from other regions in attracting technology investment and developing 4.0 industries. This requires innovation, training high-quality human resources and building a modern technological infrastructure system.

    And practice shows that it is related to production organization models and value chain links. Previously, the Mekong Delta region developed withSmall, closed production model based on administrative units. However, to promote sustainable regional economic development, it is necessary to build a model of production linkage on a large scale and with multiple forms of ownership. This requires cooperation between businesses, research organizations and the government to create a favorable business environment and encourage investment in the Mekong Delta.

    See more: Development challenges in the Mekong Delta (hyperlink)

    Proposed solution – Regional links for sustainable development of the Mekong Delta

    Totell brave continuing to develop rapidly and sustainably, requiring the Mekong Delta region to restructure and innovate the production organization model in the direction of strengthening links between production entities from within the region to links outside the region.

    Regional connectivity is the key to opening the path to rapid and sustainable development. Regional linkages create the power to maximize potential, help save society’s common investment resources, and improve the competitiveness and efficiency of the economy.

    To implement the set goals, Resolution 13-NQ/TW has proposed 05 main groups of tasks and solutions, which are: focusing on perfecting institutions and development policies and promoting regional connectivity. ; Rapid and sustainable development of the regional economy; socio-cultural development, improving the material and spiritual life of the people; firmly ensure national defense and security; Focus on building and rectifying the Party and political system.

    Cognitive solution group: plays a unified role in perception and action from four parties: the State – scientists – banks – entrepreneurs. Unifying and harmonizing the four affiliates brings benefits to the production of valuable agricultural products. In particular, focusing on regional linkages in strong areas of the Mekong Delta such as: aquaculture, rice, fruit trees, river tourism, island economy,…

    Solution group creates demand for regional connectivity: requires each party participating in the association to possess a unique strength to create maximum cooperative benefits. Many production entities in the Mekong Delta have low technical level, small scale of production, and do not really have the need to cooperate or independently organize the production and reproduction process. Therefore, to promote production and regional linkages, it is necessary to create the need for cooperation based on developing production capacity and building appropriate forms of production cooperation.

    Solution group on assessing potential, strengths, partner selection, regional linkage model.This group of solutions aims to determine which fields and industries need priority connection; Which fields and professions does the region have the ability to implement on its own? This is an important basis for planning and determining specific plans in implementing linkages, avoiding the situation of scattered investment, lack of focus, duplication and waste of resources.

    Group of solutions on mechanisms and policies to support regional connectivity. To effectively implement regional linkages in general and the Mekong Delta in particular, it is necessary to adjust, supplement and regularly improve the system of mechanisms and policies to create a favorable legal corridor for regional linkages to develop. . .

    Socio-economic development cooperation program between Ho Chi Minh City and provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta until 2025

    In recent years, Ho Chi Minh City and provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta have signed and implemented many socio-economic development cooperation programs. Along with many implemented solutions, especially in production, processing of agricultural and forestry products, mining, etc., the Mekong Delta has reaped many high economic indicators.

    Vegetables and fruits from Dong Thap province are currently supplied and consumed at supermarkets, wholesale markets and business and food service establishments in Ho Chi Minh City. The city also supports gardeners and Dong Thap Ornamental Biology Association to participate in displaying and selling ornamental flowers during spring flower festivals in Ho Chi Minh City.

    Kien Giang Province in the past year coordinated with Ho Chi Minh City Enterprise Support and Development Center – Department of Industry and Trade of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh introduced and connected the consumption of 100 Kien Giang agricultural and aquatic products with Ho Chi Minh City businesses; Ca Mau province organized and participated in 8 trade programs, connecting supply and demand of goods between businesses in Ho Chi Minh City and Ca Mau province…

    In addition, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Tourism has coordinated with provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta to organize 9 tourism survey programs. At the same time, more than 500 tourism and travel businesses in Ho Chi Minh City and the Southeast provinces are facilitated to connect with 13 tourism service providers in the Mekong Delta.

    Promote regional connectivity:

    The Government sets the goal of developing a multi-modal transportation system with inter-regional and international connections; In particular, focusing on promoting the region’s strengths in inland waterway transportation. By 2030, invest in new construction and upgrading of about 830 km of expressways, about 4,000 km of national highways, 4 airports, 13 seaports, 11 passenger port clusters and 13 inland waterway cargo port clusters land.

    Leaders of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and 13 provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta will coordinate to propose and implement railway projects in the Mekong Delta – Can Tho and coastal roads in the city. Ho Chi Minh – Mekong Delta, project to expand the Mekong Delta – My Thuan expressway… Besides, propose and implement the project to expand National Highway N1, connecting Ho Chi Minh City – Long An – Dong Thap – An Giang – Kien Giang and route N2 connecting Ho Chi Minh City – Long An – Dong Thap – An Giang – Kien Giang – Ca Mau. This is an important water and land transportation system along the vertical axis, connecting the Mekong Delta with Ho Chi Minh City, the Southeast and the whole country.

    In the next phase of the socio-economic development cooperation program between Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta, the two sides have identified 6 cooperation focuses including transportation, tourism, investment and trade. , climate change adaptation, science and technology, education, health.

    Some tasks of the Government’s project to promote linkages in the Mekong Delta region

    Above is general information about“Economic development in the Mekong Delta: Attracting investment through regional linkages” Provided by Sen Vang Group. Hopefully the above information will help developers, investors and real estate businesses have an overview of investment efficiency and the policy of linking black areas back to the . In addition, to see more articles about the Mekong Delta region, readers can visit the website



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    Thẻ : market research unit, Mekong Delta, R&D, senvanggroup, senvangdata, project development, real estate, development consulting firm,
