Bac Ninh Real Estate Report 02/2022

  • 27 March, 2022
  • Welcome to the program “Bac Ninh Newsletter”. This will be a program to update real estate information in Bac Ninh market, periodically broadcast on the 10th of every month. 

    I, Bac Ninh economic and political news

    1, On February 27, Bac Ninh province recorded more than 3,000 new cases of Covid-19

    According to statistics from 6:00 am on February 26, 2022 to 6:00 am on February 27, 2022, the whole province of Bac Ninh recorded 3,037 new cases of Covid-19. Of which, there are 2,394 cases of community risk; 643 cases in regional medical isolation / concentrated isolation / home isolation. Accumulated up to now, the province has 75,816 cases of Covid-19.


    2, Developing Bac Ninh into a city directly under the Central Government by 2030

    Bac Ninh province sets a goal of sustainable development, basically becoming a city directly under the Central Government. This is information shared by Chairman of the People’s Council of Bac Ninh province Nguyen Quoc Chung at a press conference on February 18 to propagate the occasion of the 190th anniversary of the establishment and the 25th anniversary of the re-establishment of the province.

    In the period of 2020-2025, Bac Ninh province will strengthen the building and rectification of the Party and a clean and strong political system; promote the strength of great unity of the whole people, the value of Kinh Bac cultural identity.


    By 2030, Bac Ninh strives to build a city with a modern and high-tech industry; one of the centers of trade-services, education, human resource training, healthcare, research, application and development of science and technology, meeting the requirements of cities.

    3, Bac Ninh leads the country in attracting FDI in the first two months of the year

    Bac Ninh newspaper reported that over the past time, Bac Ninh province has issued and implemented many solutions to support and remove difficulties for businesses, creating conditions for businesses to reduce damage, maintain and expand production activities. business. As a result, the attraction of FDI has achieved positive results.

    In the first two months of the year, Bac Ninh led the country in attracting FDI with a total registered investment capital of more than 1.3 billion USD, accounting for 26.5% of total registered investment capital and nearly 7 times higher than 7. 6 times over the same period last year.


    4, Bac Ninh promotes the development of social housing construction projects

    Bac Ninh province sets a goal of sustainable development, basically becoming a city directly under the Central Government. This is information shared by Chairman of the People’s Council of Bac Ninh province Nguyen Quoc Chung at a press conference on February 18 to propagate the occasion of the 190th anniversary of the establishment and the 25th anniversary of the re-establishment of the province.

    In the period of 2020-2025, Bac Ninh province will strengthen the building and rectification of the Party and a clean and strong political system; promote the strength of great unity of the whole people, the value of Kinh Bac cultural identity.


    II, Planning news – Real estate

    1, Resonating with many impulses, Bac Ninh real estate market is still a “promising land”

    According to experts’ forecasts, the land plot segment will lead the real estate market in 2022, in which Bac Ninh is expected to enter a new growth cycle thanks to strong impulses in economic development, complete improve infrastructure.


    Bac Ninh attracts new domestic investment with 57 projects with total capital of 22,442 billion dong; attracting foreign investment with 124 new projects, total capital of 1,160 million USD; State budget revenue is estimated at 31,110 billion VND, 11.7% higher than the yearly estimate.

    In the coming time, Bac Ninh will continue to realize its goal of becoming a large, smart city, developing the digital economy, contributing to reducing pressure on the capital Hanoi. That means that it will lead to a large amount of housing demand and the explosive development of many urban areas and residential areas, especially areas adjacent to industrial zones.


    2, Bac Ninh city is expected to complete two traffic projects on June 30

    Recently, the People’s Committee of Bac Ninh province has approved to adjust the investment policy of two traffic projects in Bac Ninh city.


    The first is the project of renovating and upgrading the old TL.278, the section from Da Cau area, Nam Son ward to Tien Xa auction residential area, Hap Linh ward. According to the original plan, the project implementation period is from 2018 – 2020.

    Next is to invest in building a connecting road from the new TL.278 to Chua Dam area, Bac Ninh city. According to the original plan, the project implementation period is from 2017 to 2019.

    After adjusting the investment policy, the implementation time of both the above projects was postponed to the end of June 30, 2022.


    3, Contributing to making Tien Du soon become a grade IV city

    In the context of many difficulties and challenges intertwined, with many drastic and synchronous solutions of the whole political system, Tien Du has built a roadmap and is taking steps to realize the goal of becoming a town. The goal is to become a grade IV city in 2022, in which, special attention is paid to urban infrastructure construction, waste treatment and environmental pollution.

    With the goal of soon building Lim town – the political, economic, cultural and social center of the district to upgrade to a grade IV urban area, becoming a ward in the future, the town’s Party Committee issued a Resolution topics on land management, urban construction and development and take that as a guideline for the implementation of urban development tasks. The town focuses on investment in infrastructure planning, focusing on construction items for urban development such as: Construction of traffic routes; upgrade the system of ponds and lakes, green campus, electric lighting routes, schools, cultural and sports centers, historical relics; invest in the construction of sewage drainage systems in residential areas; do well in sanitation and environmental work, preserve the environmental landscape, create an increasingly spacious, bright, green, clean and beautiful urban face. Up to now, urban areas and residential areas have been adjusted, expanded, and newly built spaciously, making changes in architecture and urban landscape and having better urban quality.


    4, Bac Ninh will have an additional 150ha urban area

    The Chairman of the People’s Committee of Bac Ninh province has just issued a document to direct the Department of Construction to assume the prime responsibility for, and consider the proposed content, to continue researching and financing the planning, and to propose investment policies in urban areas (belonging to the urban area). new urban area southeast of Bac Ninh city) with an area of ​​​​about 150 hectares of Kinh Bac Urban Development Corporation, and at the same time advise on proposals and report to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and decision.

    The project has a planning area of ​​1,500 hectares, a population of about 65,000 people, including wards and communes: Dap Cau, Thi Cau, Vu Ninh, Dai Phuc, Van Duong, Kim Chan of Bac Ninh city and communes: Dai Xuan, Nhan Hoa and Phuong Lieu of Que Vo district.

    The planning objective is to form a new urban area that meets the criteria of modernity – ecology – knowledge, a smart city of class I urban area and has urban-level functional areas such as public works; green, ecological and entertainment parks; cultural center, tourism, commercial services, event organization, …

    5, Estimated more than 5,500 billion VND to build Ring Road 4 through Bac Ninh

    According to the report of the People’s Committee of Bac Ninh province to the Provincial People’s Council on approving the policy of implementing the investment project to build Ring Road 4 – the Capital region, the section through Bac Ninh province has a total length of 35, 3 km, passing through three districts of Thuan Thanh, Que Vo, Gia Binh and Bac Ninh city.

    According to the proposal of Bac Ninh province, 2,509 billion VND is from the central budget to support site clearance costs. The remaining 3,072 billion VND will be spent from the local budget.


    The project meets the expressway standards with the design of 100 km/h with the highway component and the route connecting in the direction of Noi Bai – Ha Long highway; 4-lane section and side roads have a speed of 60-80 km/h.



    Thẻ : Bac Ninh's Real Estate Report,
